Our company consists of passionate conservationists, many of them indigenous who are leaders in their culture. We believe that Sustainable Tourism can provide the vehicle that enables local communities and indigenous people to conserve their rich natural and cultural heritage. The recent influx of companies imitating our trips is but one indicator of our success! Because of our focus on providing a “sustainable use” tool, in the control of the indigenous and local communities we work with; we are the only visitors allowed in several areas. We are proud to be active in several conservation and development programs. Come share what 20 years of love of Sea Kayaking, Adventure and Community Travel has created.

Orais Villalaz – Logistics/Cheff
Orais, our Guna chef, who enjoys cooking for our clients and always, prepare great meals. He has being working for Expediciones Tropicales for more than six years.

Bettis Medina – Accountant and Office Manager
This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.

Nemesio Alfaro – Operation Manager and Guide
Nemesio has been working with us since 1994. As our resident “MacGyver “, he is in charge of all of our equipment and makes everything work smoothly. He ensures that gear is in tip-top shape. In addition, Nemesio is our Senior Kayak Guide, loves adventure and is well known for his happy go lucky attitude.


“Best Film”

“New Film Festival”

“Best Short”